Spent another HR on this piece, is on living minimally, and finding ways to resist that are not viol...
Evidence to why capitalism doesn't work...
Domestic Terrorist Corporations protected by law...
Why we need social safety nets to pull ourselves up by bootstraps ...
How corporate totalitarianism kills competition. ...
Capitalism invariably leads to facism...
Why there are no good billionaires and the parasites they are on our world. ...
Why I am Done With Corporate Nonprofits...
The reason for execs being on the 6th floor, and how psychopathic they are to the damage they do to ...
Why we shouldn't be busting our asses for bullshit wages!...
Why should we be miserable when wealthy corporations and individuals are hoarding? Give us our money...
Humanity's roots and what we must do to ensure our survival, as well as our journey to capitalism....
Useless capitalist government/corporations and elites is causing the destruction of our country...
Loyalty is hard to find, corporations must give it before receiving it! Maybe stop laying off so man...
Why I changed my views from pro-wealth, to this is fucked up....
Myths of building our way out of affordable housing crisis...
Dictators supporting Terrorism, how Leaders Prop up these organizations....
Warfare by giant corporations against small mom and pop businesses. ...
Come together and learn how to fight back against management....
Help, profits over people is literally killing our habitat....
Wages and Complex...
A summary of my visit to Terranova Gardens to try my hand at sourdough baking....
Government doesn't care...
Military and Homeless...
Wealthiest families in the World...
How Corporations are recording higher and higher profits....
Why a system created by the rich, is destined to fail....
Why this incident should be a wake-up call to wealthy people to create a better society for everyone...
Exploitative farming practices in the US!...
How large a role Co-ops play in our lives, and their importance....
Why we need to buy local and from smaller places if we consume....
Rampancy of wage theft, and the blatant hypocrisy!...
An explanation of why local journalism struggles...
This is a series showing my thoughts as I start this website and look for people interested in this ...
This is an approach I use in my Marketing Strategy class....