How the elites benefit from disasters they cause, or make worse. Took me an hour. Also donated $15 t...
Hour spent on this one as well, about my regrets from where I come from, my betrayal of the elites, ...
Spent another hour on this, like always, have attached videos you will find helpful as explanation. ...
HR went into this piece, ways of showing how the oligarchs exploit us and how to fight back....
Here are some actual terrorist organizations...
Problem with pissing off someone who knows shit...
Why Capitalism is getting more violent...
Need to listen to Druids...
Black Sheep of Class; me and Luigi...
Need for a radical change to the FDR days and further...
Class consciousness brewing...
Why the Empire is Falling...
First part of my writings on Internal Terrorist Organizations...
Why America's Fall is much like Rome's....
Preparing for what is coming, we cannot depend upon government when shit hits the fan....
News channels I watch on youtube....
Americans support the mega-rich? Why?...
American's government and corporations consequences coming home to roost....
No way I'd be footing that bill, fuck the wealthy!...
How corruption destroys the empires, the ones that are destroyed internally. ...
Dangers pf a 2nd Trump Presidency, why we wouldn't survive....
Apparently, we have money for coups by far-right groups, but, apparently, no money for infrastructur...
Understanding terrorism, and how we can use social programs/infrastructure to fight it, also not car...
How colleges became corporatized, and how boomers neglected the institutions they took for granted. ...
Why I started my more tenacious writings and became a published journalist; I am done with corruptio...
Why I almost became a cop, and why I'm glad I didn't....
Note: I wrote this before more info from him came to light-always evaluate your work...
Ethical Seed companies to store from....
Why it is a good idea to learn a trade quickly, and learn to grow our own chemically-free food....
Why the Wealthy Need the do their part; I thought these were supposed to be the epitome of our civil...
Documenting the downfall of our species and how would it be fixed....
Ironic ways the government is losing more and more recruiting pools for the military. Tried to join,...
Why we need to put pressure on our politicians, corporations and landlords....
Story of a former Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist....
Why Workers need to fight back and lobby for rights! Where do you think those rights come from, from...
Trappings of capitalism, and why we need to end this system and our corrupt system of governing....
Why I'm not having kids, and why less and less of populations are having them....
Importance of teachers in society, and why the wealthy elites are trying to do away with public educ...
Why shouldn't we question the way society is? Why not work together to make a more habitable world?...
Corruption in government, and how to draw attention. ...
Corporations steal billions from workers every year; when will enough be enough for us?...
The decay of our world is causing it to become stagnant. ...
Why I stopped being a liberal, and wanted to gain the mindset to actually change things, instead of ...
Why youth around the world need to fight for themselves....
How we end desperation, and why this leads to terrorism; we need to sit and talk....
Why do the wealthy refuse to do their part in society and seek to become gods? This is unnatural, de...
Why Socialism has a chance at saving us, and why capitalism will kill everyone. ...
I don't see myself as a radical, but someone who wants to change our system for the better and actua...
The wealthy need to start doing their part, maybe get involved and actually help lower-income areas ...
Corporate Greed is responsible for our structural issues. Homelessness is one I've been focusing on ...
Trump is a symptom of the long-term movement, by the Far Right, a puppet, not the master....
The free market doesn't work' we keep getting shafted by the wealthy and corporations that are a nat...
Change Must Happen, the Church must hold itself accountable!...
Silencing, why Israel is killing journalists, and why the US is trying to silence independent journa...
Why Not Send the Rich...
Government be Fucked...
As a former National Service Vet myself, who has health conditions from my service, fuck our governm...
Unlimited Power!...
Bullshit! Bring back the Guillotine!...
Part 1 of Rant (corporations, rich get richer and blind eye to toxic industrials in neighborhoods)...
Fight Back! Different rules for the wealthy than for everyone else! A slap on the wrist!...
Don't Tax, unless represent!...
Disgusting and deadly!...
How we are Fucking Up...
Why our Empire is in Decline....
How we can keep America intact....
Violence is coming, unless the working class is listened to, possibly a revolution in the year or ne...
Protecting sex workers....
Protests don't need to be civil, we need to apply pressure!...
Why the police need to change if they want any trust to be left....
What has been going on with the destruction of the Atlanta Forest and proposed Cop-City...
Why Sanctions don't work....
Ongoing attacks on abortion clinics...
Abhorrent conditions of Modern Day Slavery and Prisons....
This is important to read before you publish your first article....
This article answers the question of how to become a Journalocity publisher...
This is the first of a series of blogs outlining the going-ons at