Spent another HR on this, this is about defending your land and gathering support when the oligarchs...
Corporations are committing quiet genocide. ...
Creating more sustainable groups...
EPA is a racist organization....
How corporations are poisoning us yet again....
Solutions to Corporate Terrorism...
Let's Talk about RAM Mounts and Norfolk Southern Today!...
Why modern preserving methods are not as good as traditional....
Eating healthier and saving money/learning skills. ...
List of seed companies I use; upcoming pieces in future on prepping and deck gardening....
Billionaires buying up farm and no regulations; what could go wrong?...
Farming exploitation, and becoming self-sufficient. ...
Seattle loves to chop down trees, is no longer Emerald City....
Why we need to stop compromising....
Why shouldn't we try to achieve change for our habitat that allows us to live?...
Why we don't think long-term...
Simplistic living as a species; we have become decadent....
Sinkholes in Texas and some possible natural resources that could help heal Texas....
Capitalism is killing our species....
How to use invasive species to help feed communties....
Why younger generations are checking out....
Importance of eating fresh....
Modern society is dying....
Our decadence will kill our species....
How the Boomers Stole the American Dream...
Why collective farming is the only way that farmers can survive against big AG...
Hoarding by the wealthy leads to desperation and violence....
As someone who's family has benefitted, this system doesn't work. ...
Needing help doesn't make you weak; it makes you human. ...
Norfolk Southern must face criminal charges. ...
Why the government ignores Sacrifice Zones....
Testing Bullshit, many residents already sick!...
In stable societies, everyone must benefit. ...
Yeaaah, no. My generation isn't fighting for this corporate-owned government who has made our standa...
I am not a fan of vigilante justice, but I can see why it is going to be becoming more often with ou...
Toll government service took on me, as well as many others, whether or not you were in military. ...
Why we will never be able to save ourselves under capitalism; we must change in order to survive!...
The Best movies are the ones with understandable villains, and how this delves into our current soci...
Increasing security on the light rail, and how we could actually help the homeless by giving people ...
If I have to be conscripted for the military and serve the country in yet another capacity, I want t...
'Michaelism,' a belief, but not a religion, so you won't be killing anyone in the name of some invis...
How to grow sustainably, and the benefits of using nature to deal with pests...
Why I wouldn't sign up for the military again....
Corporate American Healthcare System, and my own experience losing someone close to me through their...
How we can innovate to save our habitat, ourselves, and lead to better lives....
How we got here, and what we can invest in to change our country for the better....
Investing in society for the poor, makes the whole society better. Build from the ground up!...
Why we need to fight back as worker's and we will not be able to live with starvation wages. We can...
We need more housing, spiritual places and food centers, we could also use this method to drive down...
Why the younger generation has had it, and why we need Systemic Change...
Poverty is intentional, created by structural systems by the wealthy. We need to teach this to our p...
Worker wages are unacceptable; let's unite in solidarity! Unite and fight the elites!...
Losing our fear of death and living for happiness. Let's stop lining their pockets, live simply, but...
Sustainable living and ways we can affect our habitat. The piece on guerrilla gardening and seed bom...
Why I'm an independent journalist, and why I do what I do, plus seeds rewards program and contact wi...
Micro-plastics in our bodies and how we can eliminate existing micro-plastics....
Why we need to be Stewards of our habitat, instead of exploiters....
Drastic steps that must be taken to increase our chances at survival....
We we consume so much, there are better ways that we can work to fix this-read within....
Why should they not face jail or exile for their crimes at the very least?...
Corporate Greed and Healthcare, why is it so fucking complicated?...
Our country is becoming more and more corporate; will we do something about the growing disparity?...
Our country needs a structural changing, but not at the behest of wealthy golden cows. ...
Another reason that people aren't having kids......
Why the Wealthy seek for more children to exploit....
Eco-friendly Living, living away from corporate control....
History; why we must learn ours....
Gardening; how to save money and become independent...
Need to be Healthy, instead corporations are killing our kids....
Addressing Root Causes...
Bullshit; government attempts at conscriptions and drafts 'you've got a better chance of a one-legge...
Eco-Socialism? How this can drive the survival within our habitat....
Monthly Rant on Civic Service and my experience as well...
Toxins and Kids...
Violations of Powers...
Why we should shame and take money from billionaires!...
This story recounts the story of myfarmtrade.com and is the result of an interview with the founder ...
Sickening development and crime perpetuated by developers and our enablers in our local government....
Why wealthy people need to stop being so fucking selfish and pitch in!...
How Oligarchs keep us divided....
Why corporations are ones benefitting from welfare!...
Having smaller classes helps teachers immensely....
How to save water and use this for gardening techniques as well....
Coming Water Wars and how we can try to prevent them. ...
Horrors of toxic industries!...
We must house our people!...
How trees save our lives and improve health....
Learn about greenwashing and how you can spot it!...
Ways to act to save our habitat....
Horrific Train Corporation CEO Greed responsible for murdering the health of locals!...
Learn how dangerous urban heatscapes are...
How we can save our country through degrowth and reduced consumption....
Factory Farms might be the next cause for a major pandemic. ...
Info on why we should stop wasting so much money on lawns and instead use space to grow food....
This is an article for those who want to know more about ways we can ethically remediate our environ...